Syo Framework
Syo - open source framework designed for developing web applications based on the MVC architectural model.
Purpose of development
- Developed for educational purposes to understand the basics of architecture and how frameworks work. Learn more about the work of PHP, OOP and template (pattern) programming.
Developed components
- Routing
- Controllers
- Basic template engine
- Registry (registry of global variables)
- Classes for working with cookies and session
- Validators and Filters
- HTML tags and forms generator
- Token generator
- Cache
- Logging to file, database and e-mail
- Helper for working with strings
- Widget
- Listening (Hooks)
- Mailer based on the PHPMailer library
- ORM (Object Relational Mapping)
- Query builder
- Component for working with Nested Sets trees in the database
- Storing constants in the database
- HTML menu generator based on Nested Sets trees
- EAV (Entity-Artifice-Values) for the database
- Authentication
- RBAC (Role Based Access Control) - Role-based access system
- Plugins
- Developed from 2013 to 2015.
Technologies / tools
- PHP, MySQL, phpMyAdmin, OpenServer, PhpStorm, GitHub.